Swiss clean energy provider Meeco Group has completed the installation of its first photovoltaic (PV) solar project using an innovative solar power mounting structure called the sun2rope.
This environment-friendly system comprises PV modules that are mounted on tailor-made rope structures, specifically designed for the project.
The sun2rope PV energy installation will provide clean energy to the renowned Kenyan eco retreat called Cottar’s 1920 Camp, which is near Kenya’s national park, the Masai Mara.
The award-winning Cottar’s 1920 Camp spreads over an area of 1 500 ha, with a large concentration of watchable wildlife, and provides ten tents to host nature-loving safari tourists.
To supply the eco resort with renewable energy, seven rows of 168 highly efficient polycrystalline PV modules, with a total capacity of 54 kW have been installed.
Once the site is completely finalised and commissioned, the generated energy is intended to charge the batteries of the energy management and storage system sun2safe and for hot water treatment, as well as charging the sun2move e-bikes owned by the safari camp.